Garlic Mustard: Not Just a Nuisance

Garlic Mustard: Not Just a Nuisance

Our second Spring on the farm was when we first identified garlic mustard, and once we had, we started noticing that it was everywhere.  It was one of the first green things up in the Spring, one of the first…

Our First Asparagus: Worth the Wait

Our First Asparagus: Worth the Wait

  We planted purple asparagus crowns during our first Spring here.  Normally, you are meant to wait two years after planting before you begin to harvest asparagus, so last Spring should have been our first harvest.  We had so few…

A Game of Horse and Mouse

A Game of Horse and Mouse

As cat’s go, Horse is alright. She does a lot of the things that make cats jerks – scratches up the woodwork, alights on countertops and other surfaces where she knows she is not welcome, and bites my hand and…

First Sign of Spring

First Sign of Spring

Its been a long winter, but the first bud on our Rhubarb came up and its starting to feel like spring.

Shaker Bench

Shaker Bench

We’ve been working on the kitchen, slowly perfecting it to match our every day habits. The first big change was a new fridge, a small SMEG fridge that is a foot and a half shorter than our old one and…

New Door Latches

New Door Latches

Doing a little bit of home improvement this weekend, a really minor change but feels like a major improvement. Ever since we moved in we have had rubber bands holding the doors closed on the upstairs cabinets, they have been…

Guineas: The New Flock

Guineas: The New Flock

After our rat issue precipitated by over-wintering the guinea hens we have decided to only keep them from spring till fall and butcher them for meat. So, we butchered the birds last fall and have been eating them slowly over…

Reclaimed Wood Boxes & Frames

Reclaimed Wood Boxes & Frames

Our driveway is long, so long it shows up as a road on Google maps. Along the length of the driveway is over 300′ of wood fence. It’s finally come to the point it where it is so rotten it…

Eating the Guineas

After the fox started picking off a guinea or so a day it was clear our flock wouldn’t last more than a few weeks into the fall, so we opted to butcher and freeze them instead of trying to get…