How to: Building a Cold Frame
It took a bit longer than I expected, but our cold frames are complete. I wrote about our idea for collapsable cold frames two months ago, with the overly optimistic notion that it would be a weekend project and I…
Greenhouse: A Baby Step
The greenhouse is an ambitious project – it is an entire building you know. So as a baby step we are going to build a couple of cold frames, basically mini-greenhouses. We aren’t going to use any of the recycled…
Greenhouse: Considering the plan
As you know we got ourselves a bunch of old windows with the idea of making our own greenhouse out of them. Amanda got a bunch more from upstate when visiting her family, so between the two loads of windows…
Greenhouse: The wall detail
The plan is to use old single-pane divided light windows for the walls of the greenhouse. The windows were practically free, and we think the older and weathered aesthetic they bring will go better with the other buildings on the…